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Tapping Into AI: The Key to Supercharging Your Intellectual Capacity?

Tapping Into AI: The Key to Supercharging Your Intellectual Capacity?

Before AI: Traditional Paradigms

In the era before AI, every creative task demanded human intellectual effort. Businesses prided themselves on hiring the brightest minds, echoing the standard advice to "Hire people smarter than yourself." More recently, the trend has perhaps shifted towards relying on freelancers and agencies. This approach allowed companies to harness expertise without the long-term commitment, essentially 'renting' intelligence for specific tasks, expecting autonomy and expertise in return. Yet, this arrangement still operated within the bounds of human limitations and idiosyncrasies.

The Rise of AI in Creativity & Productivity:

Today, this dynamic is rapidly evolving thanks to breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, notably with large language models (LLM) such as ChatGPT.

AI is undeniably transforming the domain of creative thinking. As more professionals integrate AI tools into their daily activities, their capacity to accomplish complex tasks without straining resources is visibly on the rise. For those ready and willing to embrace it, AI acts as a digital ally, akin to a personal assistant or even an entire support team, thereby amplifying individual potential. This shift comes at a pivotal moment, as many industries have grappled with stagnating productivity levels for years.

From entry-level workers to CEOs, AI holds the potential to significantly elevate productivity by equipping each individual with a virtual team of assistants. As a result, the human role will increasingly focus on effectively directing these AI agents. Now, more than ever, maintaining clarity in purpose and set goals is essential. To truly tap into AI's potential, individuals must be adept at establishing clear objectives and conveying precise instructions via prompts.

The output will only be as good as the prompt itself. You can read more on prompts here .

This looming AI revolution is not universally embraced. Many parties express deep reservations, often driven by ethical, economic, and societal concerns. The increased efficiency AI brings raises valid concerns over potential job displacement, particularly in white-collar sectors. If unchecked, this could indeed lead to a cascade of societal challenges, from increased unemployment to potential civil unrest. Moreover, the rapid integration of AI might inadvertently leave behind those who resist or lack the means to adopt such technologies, creating a divide in the workforce.

AI in Decision-making:

While the transformative potential of AI is evident in routine tasks like copywriting, designing, coding, accounting, data analysis, and PowerPoint presentations, its most profound impact is arguably in the realm of decision-making. AI systems, especially sophisticated ones like ChatGPT, are ushering in a new era where decision-making can be more informed and nuanced. By analyzing vast datasets and offering multifaceted perspectives, AI can be invaluable in areas such as hiring, investment decisions, and conflict resolution. For instance, we've highlighted how businesses can use ChatGPT in red teaming exercises to anticipate and prepare for potential vulnerabilities.

The ultimate responsibility and judgment still rest with the decision-maker. Those leveraging AI's capabilities must possess a deep understanding of the context and subject matter to interpret and apply AI's suggestions effectively. It doesn't possess the intuitive and visionary capacity inherent to human leadership. A CEO may often have to make decisions based on instinct or an incomplete picture, a nuance that AI, with its dependence on data and patterns, might find challenging.

It's also noteworthy that there's growing pressure from stakeholders for CEOs and top executives to integrate AI into their decision-making processes

Inevitability of AI Adoption

The allure of innovation is difficult to resist. Historically, humans have been drawn to tools and technologies that simplify tasks, increase efficiency, or offer new capabilities. While the future remains unpredictable, the reliance on solely human intuition, particularly given the hefty fees associated with traditional consulting, appears to be a waning strategy.

When given a choice, it's hard to fathom individuals or businesses bypassing a tool that amplifies their capabilities and eases their workload. This drive, an innate human trait, has always propelled us forward—our constant quest for the 'better,' the 'faster,' and the 'stronger.' This iterative desire for enhancement has shaped our progression and development over centuries.

There's no unanimous consensus on the long-term impact of this integration. While some like Marc Andreessen are championing the transformative potential of AI, suggesting it could be the panacea to many global challenges in his article "Why AI Will Save the World" , others remain cautious, highlighting potential pitfalls.

The Convergence of AI and Humans

AI systems, as advanced as they are, aren't infallible. The hallucination problem has no solution yet. Then there's the concern of biases – these systems are trained on vast datasets which, if flawed or skewed, could perpetuate existing prejudices. As we embrace AI's transformative potential, it's crucial for users to remain vigilant, constantly verifying AI outputs and ensuring they align with the intended direction.

As the lines between human and artificial intelligence blur, it seems like those who embrace AI might have a leg up. Mixing our natural abilities with AI's strengths can help people and businesses achieve more.


Consider AI as an extension of human intelligence. In the past, to amplify cognitive capabilities, you would simply gather more people, each bringing their unique skills, knowledge, and experiences to the table. Before, the limiting factor in amplifying collective intelligence was human cognitive capability. Now, we're on the brink of a paradigm shift with AI, granting us access to what seems like an endless reservoir of computational intelligence. I believe AI will drive nothing less than a new wave of globalization, providing billions with access to top-tier intelligence, enabling groundbreaking scientific progress, and igniting unparalleled innovation, opportunity, and growth. Just think about the monumental strides this could take in the coming years.

Do you use AI to enhance your daily work?

Matija Žiberna